Shoulder Pain - What you need to know!

Shoulder pain is the 3rd most common cause of musculoskeletal consultation in primary care.

The 3 most common causes are:

1) Subacromial Impingement Syndrome

2) Rotator Cuff Injuries

3) Adhesive Capsulitis

4) Referred pain commonly from a neck injury

The signs and symptoms can overlap greatly so these can be easily confused. Each requires a unique approach for proper recovery. So, as always a proper diagnosis is key before launching into a treatment regime.

Each of these injuries also exist on a spectrum from mild to severe, acute to chronic. So even when you get the diagnosis right, these factors need to be accounted for and factored into the treatment protocol. A mild acute injury with no other contributory or complicating factors could need as little as a handful of sessions plus rest along with a sensible graded return to activity. A more severe and chronic injury could take months of intensive hands on treatment and exercises rehabilitation to get you all sorted. And yes, some cases require surgical intervention in the first instance.

Each person is also unique, so once you’ve got the diagnosis right and framework in place managing an injury is still a clinical exercise in constant re-evaluation and refinement as you track along.

While you may not get better straight away, you should be seeing progress. That’s not to say that you may see your symptoms changing quickly either. More important are gains in mobility, alignment, strength and control. In most cases these improvements need to also be made further afield than just your shoulder to set you up for long term success.

So if you’re suffering with shoulder pain and feel like you’ve tried some treatment without success, don’t despair. You may need to just go back to the drawing board, get a second opinion and try again. The most important factor is always persistence and willingness to do whatever it takes to get your health back on track.

Dr Andrew Richards (B.Med Sc M Chiro)